Ride: 37.2 / 47 / 65.8 Hilly Flexible
Leader: Tom Adams, 916-764-7019, tcadams54@yahoo.com
RWGPS: Short: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/38639259
Medium: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/38409863
Long: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/38054667
Description: This route takes the bike trail to Orangevale. We stay on Main, cross Oak Ave, and turn west on Cherry Ave. We make our way to E Roseville Pkwy and pick up a bike trail that leads back to Sierra College Blvd. At this point (mile 17.7), the short route turns right and goes down Sierra College Blvd. The longer routes turn left on Sierra College Blvd and then left again at Rocklin Rd. At mile 21.2, the long route turns left on Midas Ave; the medium route stays on Grove St., turns right on Pacific and right again at Sierra College. On the medium route, there’s a Starbucks at mile 25. The long route turns left on Argonaut Ave, right on Whitney Blvd, and then right on Crest Drive which brings us to E. Joiner Parkway by way of Whitney Ranch Parkway. We stop to refuel and regroup at the Peet's in Raley's, Sun City (mile 32.9). Heading back, on all routes we stay on Sierra College except for a safer detour through a busy intersection. We use E Roseville Pkwy to get to Barton and then pop over to Auburn Folsom for the standard descent.
Elevation: Short: 1,744 feet
Medium: 2,134 feet
Long: 3,533 feet